
fall approaches

while i realize the weather here is still fairly reminiscent of summer (especially in the afternoons) - there are times in the early morning that i catch a faint whiff of winter frost. and on a few particular trees i can see the beginnings of leaves changing colors.

today i have spent most of the morning catching up on photos and blogs - even adding to my list of neighbors. one of my dearest friends, miss aubrey ann webb, is spending these next nine months in norway with ywam. i'm really excited for her, and constantly wishing there is a way i could visit.

this morning i spent my breakfast time sitting outside, enjoying the sunshine, and a little rest from a long week. it's good to sit and think about all the things i am so grateful for these days - which is a lot. i've been learning so much lately, made new friends, and found a place i belong.

good days are ahead. i know it.