
new layout

hope you all enjoy the new layout. i must say that i am enjoying it myself. i guess this is what happens when you are on vacation and get used to doing nothing, while you sit on the couch and watch star wars (not the good ones, but episode III was on tv so....). lately i have been working on a lot of crocheting stuff, which i'll post as soon as i get pictures taken. and i've given out two of my christmas gifts which i have been so excited for.

with all that i've made, i'm sorta thinking about starting an account on etsy and seeing what kind of action i can get out of that. i'm not sure that i have the motivation to actually follow through with that. but we'll see.

also i've added a new blog to my sidebar : http://whatiseewhatireadwhatihear.blogspot.com. it's under "alex2". these are the thoughts alex has on movies, music, and books. i'm pretty quick to trust alex's opinion on things, so you should too.

1 comment:

dille2@cableone.net said...

Dude, love the new look. So Trisha. Hope you are enjoying life and the fam.
Life is good. Enjoy the time. Love them Big.
Merry Christmas my friend. May your days be merry and bright, on some level...xo me