

I've noticed a recent trend on the blogs that i like to keep up with on somewhat regularly, and that is the inclusion of pictures of breakfast foods, or really any foods at all. so here is my entree into the world of documenting the most important meal of the day.

this is pretty consistently my set up for breakfast on the mornings when i have time to enjoy such a moment.

two scrambled eggs, piece of toast, juice, and coffee.

i first enjoyed having juice with my coffee and breakfast when i was new york a couple summers ago.

this morning i was also able to enjoy reading out of my alma mater's newspaper. my mom frequently sends me the crusader in order to connect back with home and get the latest news on campus. this paper was especially special because it included an article about the new resident director for holly, and coincidentally, one of my most favorite people: kylee lynn vienna.

it really is great to be able to have a piece of home, and start my day off connecting with that. i miss those great college days when everything revolved around the small little world you were living in. it was safe and known. there always seemed to be things to do or people to see. i look forward to having a grown up version of that someday.

1 comment:

J said...

this sounds lovely! i wish i could have joined you.