

this title came in automatically when i started typing it which makes me think that perhaps i've already posted some with this title. but spring comes around every once and a while, so it's bound to get repeated at some point.

you might notice that i've changed the colors of my blog, and the picture at the top. i have to be honest and say that the reason for this comes out of my own guilt. see, the design i had before was pretty much a knock-off of another blog of a friend of mine. i really meant to give her credit, but when the time came to do so, i couldn't find the link to her blog anymore.

so the guilt has gotten too much for me and now i must apologize:

amanda, i'm sorry i stole you're blog design. really, it's because i wasn't feeling too inspired when the time came to change my own and i had always just admired the simplicity of yours. i hope you can forgive me.

this girl is talented. seriously, i always look forward to her photography. and she just set up a website, so you should check that out: amanda cherie.

now that that's out of the way...

i'm pretty excited about this new sensation i'm experiencing called spring: cool air, sunshine, wearing jeans and t-shirt, and of course walking around in my toms.

i've spent quite a couple phone conversations sitting on my roof. it's been pretty glorious.

easter was last weekend and i was able to spend it with my grandparents in zionsville, which is just about an hour and a half outside the city. it was so great to spend time out in the country. i so miss the smell of fresh air.

it's been interesting these last couple months, processing life and what not. when i visited i had quite a few people tell me they were surprised i didn't really enjoy city life, and were sure that i would stay over here after my internship. but as i was driving through the small town and wide open fields to my g.parents' house, i felt so refreshed and renewed in life. it was so great to feel like i could actually breathe freely, instead of constantly struggling for air.

see, i'm the girl that has to take 40 min drives outside town to clear my head. i love driving down 12th, until it just about hits melba, and then turning around. just that drive to me (especially at night with the stars shinning) has become something almost essential to me. and even as i write this, i realize i haven't really seen the stars in a long long time.

i'm getting so anxious to get home and be in the place where i feel like i really belong. but i know the time will come when i can take those drives again. and the time is coming quick. i look forward to more spring days here and hopefully i'll be able to have the motivation to take advantage of those.

happy spring.

and if you can, take a nice long drive for me.

1 comment:

dille2@cableone.net said...

Haven't but will do. Stevie might do the run on his bike with the wind blowing thru his hair...oops, he shaves his head now, Ok, will get it done one way or the other...