

today my iMac in came in the mail.

20 in.


spent pretty much all day working on stuff.
getting settings figured out.
downloading a bunch of stuff.
and still have a lot to do.

went to fridays with some great people.

i've realized that with graduating and all, i really just want to spend the majority of my time with people i'm really going to stay in contact with. this is not to say that other people aren't important to me. the flip-side is that i've really lost connection with those people now - but maybe i just didn't really have it in the first place.

also, scrubs, the office, and lost were awesome this weekend. and once again i realized why God blessed the world with tivo because i didn't have to worry about missing the shows. 

sweet dreams all my little babies.


jeffrey greene said...

dvr is my lifeline!

Anonymous said...

hey there cuz...lookin forward to seein you guys! see ya in a bit.

kylee said...

where are you? miss the bloggin...and yes i'm here in town... let's meet up